You select the zone of attack in the combat rose using. You can disengage from the opponent using. You can lock the combat rose onto one foe using and, if you're facing more than one opponent, you can toggle between them by pressing again. If you're close to your adversary, you can use to get into a clinch with him. For a normal block, you don't have to hold your weapon in the same zone that your opponent is aiming at. You can block any strike that comes from in front with. In unarmed combat that means a jab to the face, with a weapon a stab with the point of the blade. Using you attack with a faster, but weaker strike. In a fistfight, this control executes a right or left hook to the head, in armed combat a slashing strike. Using you execute a basic strike, which is strong, but slow. It's possible to fight unarmed, with various weapons and even mounted on horseback. Prior Knowledge When things get out of hand, it can escalate to a fight.